
Day One of John and Brian’s Big Adventure

We ate breakfast at 7 am. On our fishing boat, we headed out from the harbor to Larsen Bay, passing the hundred-year-old salmon cannery that is still, or again, in operation by 8 am.

Our first stop was still inside the harbor to catch bait. Within 20 minutes, we caught enough bait to set a crab pot and fish all day. Half of the bait is herring that are the size of store-bought farm raised trout. The other half are bigger and substantially bigger cod. If we stopped fishing then, we would have caught an impressive amount of good eating cod.

We journeyed out into Larsen Bay and set our crab pod full of cod bait at 378 feet.

For about the next four hours we fished for halibut. Brian and I caught 10 halibut ranging in size from 12 to 30+ pounds. Since the limit was six, we released the smaller ones. We ate at least 30 pounds of halibut steaks.

After being unsuccessful in catching any king salmon in the bay, we went back and checked on our crab pot. Although the pot had only been in the water about four hours, we had 8 tanner crabs for that night”s dinner. We re-baited the pot and put it back in the water at a different location.

Two hours later, we dined on the amazingly good tasting tanner crabs. The meat is incredibly sweet and relatively easy to remove. It tasted so good simply steamed; no one uses any seasoning or butter on them at all.

After dinner we went looking for bears and deer to see. I shot about twenty photos of a large healthy Kodiak brown bear feeding on grass. The bears were within five feet of us (I was taking photos out of a van window). We saw some deer but after the bear, they were pretty tame.

It’s 11:50 pm as I write this. It looks like late afternoon there is so much light still. Check back tomorrow for my next day’s report.