
Street Racing Takes Yet Another Young Life In Orange County

A speeding driver traveling at more than 90 miles an hour and involved in a dangerous street race may have caused a fiery crash in Anaheim Hills last week that killed one man and seriously injured another, according to a news article in The Orange County Register.

Justin Simpkins died after losing control of his 1987 Mercedes on Santa Ana Canyon Road and his 22-year-old brother, Ryan, who was a passenger in that car, is fighting for his life. Witnesses who spoke to investigators said the Mercedes was racing another car at the time of the crash, the newspaper reported. The speed limit on that street was 45 mph, but Justin Simpkins may have been doing more than 90 mph, officials said.

Justin was pulled out of the car by firefighters just before the car burst into flames, the Register reported, while his brother was ejected from the vehicle. According to Anaheim Police Sgt. Rick Martinez who is quoted in the Register news article, these type of speed-related accidents are quite common in that area.

“When there is a collision it’s usually a high-impact collision because people are driving double the speed limit,” he told the newspaper.

This is yet another example of what speeding and reckless driving can do to ruin and take away young lives. Street racing has become a scourge in Southern California. Los Angeles is taking some serious steps to curtail and deter street racers. It’s about time Orange County did the same.

Penalties need to be increased for those found to be racing or speeding on a public street. Police officers must step up enforcement and issue more citations so that it becomes really expensive for the perpetrators. Further, the district attorney should get more aggressive on criminally charging those who break the law with street racing and end up hurting or killing people. We’ve had way too many incidents of that happening in Orange County just in the last few months.

If you or a loved one has been the victim in a street racing incident or as a result of a negligent driver, please contact Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys for a free consultation. We may be able to help you examine your legal options and rights and help you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve.