
San Bernardino Car Accident Kills Pedestrian

Deborah Valdivia, 54, died November 15, 2009 from injuries she sustained in a San Bernardino car accident last month. According to a news report in The Press Enterprise, Valdivia was walking across the street near Foothill Boulevard and Pepper Avenue in Rialto the afternoon of October 2, 2009 when she was hit by a minivan. She was transported to a local hospital. Rialto police are investigating this fatal car accident.

My heart goes out to the family and friends of Deborah Valdivia for their tragic and heartbreaking loss. I offer my deepest condolences to everyone who knew and loved this woman. Please keep them in your prayers.

Pedestrian Accidents in San Bernardino

According to California Highway Patrol’s 2007 Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS), there were four fatalities and 34 injuries involving pedestrian accident in Rialto, California. In San Bernardino County as a whole, 50 deaths and 432 injuries were reported in 2007 as a result of pedestrian accidents. Also, countywide, car accidents claimed 308 lives and injured 9,920 that same year.

Based on this news report, there still seem to be many unanswered questions in this case. Where was Valdivia walking on the street at the time of the accident? Was she in a marked crosswalk or was she walking in traffic lanes? Why did the driver of the minivan fail to see her walking across the street? Was the motorist in this case intoxicated, distracted, speeding or otherwise negligent? Was there a dangerous condition on the roadway, which may have hampered the driver’s view of Valdivia?

Car Accident Liability Issues

Liability in a car accident case depends on the element of negligence at the time of the crash. If the driver was negligent, then he or she could be held responsible for the pedestrian-car collision and the resulting injuries. If there was a dangerous condition on the roadway, which the city or governmental agency responsible for maintaining the roadway failed to fix, then that entity could also be held liable. Victims or their families, in cases where negligence or wrongdoing is involved, may seek compensation to cover medical/funeral expenses, lost earnings and other related damages. Reputed personal injury lawyers, who have successfully handled claims against negligent drivers and governmental agencies will be able to help victims and their families in such cases.

The Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys is not representing any of the parties mentioned in this article at the time the article was posted. Our information source is cited in the article. If you were involved in this incident or a similar incident and have questions as to your rights and options, call us or another reputable law firm. Do not act solely upon the information provided herein. Get a consultation. The best law firms will provide a free consultation. We provide a free, confidential consultation to not at fault persons named in this article. The free consultation offer extends to family members as well.