
Pradaxa Attorneys in Orange County – 25 Deaths Reported

Bisnar and Chase Orange County Pradaxa attorneys are moving forward in pursuit of compensation for patients who have suffered injuries as a result of using the medication. Pradaxa is under fire following hundreds of patient reports claiming the drug contributed to serious injuries and death. Pradaxa is a medication manufactured by Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals to help patients who have a higher risk of stroke, but the reported side effects, if proven to be true, create dangers that outweigh the benefits for those who use it.

Designed to combat blood clots in patients who have undergone surgery and are at risk for increased clotting, Pradaxa would usually be prescribed to patients who suffer from atrial fibrillation, a serious medical condition in which the heart does not contract regularly. A member of the direct thrombin inhibitor drug class, Pradaxa hopes to delay the formation of dangerous blood clots that can lead to strokes and other life-threatening medication conditions. The drug has yet to be recalled, which may inadvertently lead to injuries and deaths that could have been easily prevented.

Pradaxa Side Effects

120 serious complications and 25 deaths have been reported to the FDA by patients who feel that the use of Pradaxa was directly related to the injuries sustained. As of this date, nearly 1,000 injuries have been linked to Pradaxa and over 500 of those injured required hospitalization. If you or a loved one feel that your use of Pradaxa has contributed to any of the following potential side effects, speaking with an experienced OC Pradaxa attorney is in your best interest.

  • Internal Bleeding
  • Internal Hemorrhaging
  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Orange County Pradaxa Lawyers

If you would like more information about Pradaxa’s dangerous side effects, or would like to take advantage of a free case evaluation, contact a Bisnar and Chase Pradaxa recall attorney today. Bisnar and Chase attorneys have been assisting victims of defective products since 1978 and will give you all of the information you need to move forward.

Call 1-800-259-6373 to get Free Pradaxa Lawsuit Information