
Newport Beach Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Examine Collisions

From a rider’s perspective, Newport Beach, California is one of the best places to hop on your motorcycle. Pacific Coast Highway and the entire beach-side community offers a relaxing ride and plenty of sights to see, but has motorcycle rider safety become an issue? Flooded with tourists and drunk drivers, has the area become host to an outlandish number of serious-injury motorcycle collisions? A Newport Beach motorcycle accident attorney will tell you that although the streets aren’t awful, they could definitely use some improvement.

Newport Beach Motorcycle Accident Statistics

If we were comparing it to the rest of Orange County, Newport Beach isn’t looking too bad in the collision department. This doesn’t mean that they are a haven for safe drivers, nor does it mean that motorcycle accidents have taken over the streets. According to the 2009 California Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS), 25 people were injured due to motorcycle accidents in Newport Beach.

In August of 2011, a motorcycle officer suffered injuries when a Mercedes collided with his bike at the intersection of Jamboree Road and San Joaquin Hills Road. The officer suffered a leg injury and was rushed to a nearby hospital. This particular intersection has been host to a number of motorcycle and car accidents. Cities have an obligation to make sure that their intersections are safe and when they fail to do so, victims of motorcycle collisions at these intersections may be entitled to substantial compensation.

Newport Beach law firm partners, John Bisnar and Brian Chase, have sued cities for dangerous intersections before and have had amazing success. One of their clients received over 10 million dollars after suffering injuries that were found to be sustained as a result of the city’s negligence. If you or a loved one has suffered injuries in an accident, it is in your best interest to contact an experienced attorney immediately.

Newport Beach Motorcycle Accident Attorneys

Newport Beach has a variety of top-notch attorneys, but it can be confusing trying to sort them out. The attorneys at Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys have over 30 years of experience helping victims of motorcycle collisions obtain substantial compensation and get back on their feet. Recently they obtained a 24.7 million dollar settlement as a result of someone’s negligence. If you are looking for an attorney with the experience and success to take your case, contact a Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys Newport Beach motorcycle accident lawyer today for a free professional evaluation of your case.