
Los Angeles Man Killed in Utah Motorcycle Accident

Leland Lloyd, 53, of Lancaster, California, was killed in a motorcycle accident in Washington City, Utah, on August 8, 2009, according to a news report in The Salt Lake Tribune. A suspected drunk driver in a Ford Explorer reportedly made an illegal left turn in front of Lloyd causing him to crash and strike his head on the SUV. Officials said Lloyd, who was wearing a partial helmet, died from massive head injuries at the scene of the car accident. John Hanson, 54, the driver of the SUV, has been arrested on suspicion of automobile homicide, driving under the influence, open container and improper left turn.

My heart goes out to the family and friends of Leland Lloyd for their tragic and heartbreaking loss. Apparently, he was in the area visiting family at the time. I offer my deepest condolences to everyone who knew and loved Lloyd. Please keep them in your prayers.

Motorcycle Accident Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 5,154 fatalities and 103,000 injuries involving motorcycle accidents nationwide in 2007. In almost all states, especially in California, motorcycle accident fatalities have dramatically risen. Officials attribute this trend to the increase in the number of people who own and ride motorcycles.

With more and more people resorting to motorcycle riding, it is extremely important that we as motorists recognize and remember that we share the road with motorcyclists. Based on this news report, it seems to me that Hanson, the driver of the Ford, turned left illegally in front of Lloyd’s motorcycle, causing this fatal car accident. In Utah, just as in California, left turn laws require that a vehicle wait for the traffic light to turn green and remain in the appropriate lane and turn left only when it is safe to do so (Utah Code 41-6a-801).

Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer

The family of Leland Lloyd would be well advised to consult with an experienced Los Angeles motorcycle accident lawyer who has a winning track record in holding negligent and DUI drivers accountable for their actions. A knowledgeable attorney should also help the family receive insurance compensation, even if Hanson has insufficient or no auto insurance.

In cases where negligence or wrongdoing is involved, families of deceased car accident victims are able to file wrongful death claims seeking compensation for funeral expenses, loss of wages or other related damages. The best personal injury law firms will always offer a free and comprehensive initial consultation to injured victims and their families.