
California Effexor Attorneys Assist Victims

Many patients who are taking Effexor have experienced great results. The drug was designed to help those who struggle with depression and other mood disorders and it has proven to be successful in some cases. Unfortunately, pregnant women who take Effexor are showing increased chances of giving birth to a child with birth defects. The California Effexor attorneys at Bisnar and Chase are noticing an increase in cases relating to Effexor and are assisting victims by providing free information about Effexor lawsuits.

Bisnar and Chase is a pharmaceutical litigation law firm based in Orange County, California. They have assisted more than 6,000 victims of personal injuries for over 30 years with a 97.5% success rate. They recently obtained a record-breaking 24.7 million dollar verdict in August of 2011.

Effexor Side Effects and Lawsuit Information

Those who are experiencing Effexor side effects do have options; women who have given birth to children with defects while taking Effexor may be able to pursue compensation. The following is a list of side effects associated with the use of Effexor.

  • Cardiac Arrhythmia
  • Suicidal Thoughts
  • Hepatitis
  • Pancreatitis
  • Valve Problems
  • Heart Murmur
  • Atrial Septal Defects (ASD)

If you would like more Effexor lawsuit information, contact a Bisnar and Chase attorney.

Effexor Attorneys in California

When manufacturers fail to provide a reasonable level of safety for their consumers, they must be held responsible. The dangers associated with the use of Effexor during pregnancy should have been identified during their testing process. If your baby has suffered birth defects and you feel it may be related to the use of Effexor, contact a Bisnar and Chase Effexor lawyer in California today to get the information you need to make an educated decision.

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