
Two-Car Collision in Malibu Leads to Fatality

October 29, 2012–Malibu, CA–The Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu was closed part of Saturday due to a fatal collision between two vehicles, according to ABC News. The PCH was closed for several hours as investigators pieced together what happened in the accident that occurred just after 8:00 a.m.

The crash happened on an S-curve close to Rambla Pacifico Street when a southbound vehicle crossed into the northbound lane and hit another car that then spun out of control and crashed into a third car. The Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department stated that there was at least one fatality among the passengers in the three vehicles, but did not specify which car contained the fatality victims or how they died. They did state that speed was not a factor in the accident, but have not made any statements about the involvement of alcohol or drugs.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims in this crash and to the families of those who were killed.

Pacific Coast Highway Often Deadly for Motorists
According to the California Highway Patrol’s Statewide Integrated Traffic Reporting System, there were five fatalities and 125 injuries in Malibu during 2010. This means that the majority of these accidents occurred in and around the PCH. Many stretches of the PCH are extremely crowded at certain times of year and drivers and passengers are at high risk of injury.

What Happened In This Accident?

This accident apparently involved both a head-on and a sideswipe collision. Multi-vehicle accidents often involve more than one type of accident and can be deadly for the drivers and passengers involved. Head-on collisions are the most deadly type, followed by rollovers, but sideswipe and rear-end collisions can also produce serious injury or death.

Liability Issues in PCH Accidents
Because the PCH is so scenic, drivers can be distracted. There are also a number of S-curves that make this road somewhat treacherous. It is very important for drivers to use particular caution when traveling this road.

The driver who was traveling in the wrong lane will most likely have liability for this accident. That driver may be liable for medical treatment costs for victims, funeral expenses for fatality victims, and other costs associated with this accident. It is extremely important for victims to get sound legal advice from a qualified car accident attorney about ways they can protect their rights and collect damages in these situations.