
Four Sustain Injuries in San Francisco Car Accident

A San Francisco car accident that occurred the morning of January 27, 2010 has left four people with serious injuries. According to a CBS News report, the injury collision happened at the intersection of Arch Street and Brotherhood Way. One of the drivers fled the crash scene. However, he was apprehended immediately afterward by responding police officers. Three injured victims from the car that was struck by the hit-and-run suspect were taken to an area hospital. The victims, including an infant, are expected to survive.

I sympathize with the victims who apparently suffered serious but non life-threatening injuries in this car accident. I’m pleased to note that they are recovering. I hope and pray that they recover quickly and completely.

According to California Highway Patrol’s 2007 Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS), there were 51 fatalities and 3,632 injuries involving car accidents in San Francisco.

How Did this Accident Occur?

If the details in this news report are accurate, this crash occurred at a street intersection. It appears to me that one of the drivers must have either run a red light or failed to yield right-of-way to the other at the intersection. But, irrespective of who was at fault in a car crash, the driver should have stopped at the scene. There is also the question of whether drugs or alcohol were involved. It is a relief that the hit-and-run driver was apprehended in this case. I hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

California Vehicle Code section 20001 states: “The driver of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting in injury to a person, other than himself or herself, or in the death of a person shall immediately stop the vehicle at the scene of the accident.”

Contacting an Experienced Injury Lawyer

I would urge the injured victims in this case to get in touch with an experienced San Francisco personal injury lawyer who has successfully represented victims injured in hit-and-run car accidents. A skilled injury lawyer will also be able to explain to victims how their car insurance policy applies to an accident involving a hit-and-run driver or in a case where the driver in question lacks insurance coverage.

The Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys is not representing any of the parties mentioned in this article at the time the article was posted. Our information source is cited in the article. If you were involved in this incident or a similar incident and have questions as to your rights and options, call us or another reputable law firm. Do not act solely upon the information provided herein. Get a consultation. The best law firms will provide a free consultation. We provide a free, confidential consultation to not at fault persons named in this article. The free consultation offer extends to family members as well.