
San Bernardino DUI Collision Causes Critical Injuries

David Matthews, 38, sustained critical injuries in a San Bernardino car accident, which officials say, was caused by a suspected drunk driver. The San Bernardino Sun reports that the major injury collision occurred the morning of March 8, 2010 when 19-year-old Ryan Inglesby, who was driving a 2005 Chevy pickup north on Sunset Road in Joshua Tree, ran a stop sign on Highway 62 and broadsided a 1999 Dodge Caravan. Matthews, who was the driver of the Dodge, sustained critical injuries and was taken to a local hospital. Police arrested Inglesby on suspicion of felony DUI.

I hope David Matthews did not sustain any catastrophic injuries in this collision. I wish him the very best for a quick recovery. Please keep this injured victim in your thoughts and prayers.

DUI Crashes

There were 24 fatalities and 283 injuries involving DUI collisions in San Bernardino County’s unincorporated areas, according to California Highway Patrol’s 2008 Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS). Also, in San Bernardino County as a whole, alcohol-related car crashes killed 94 and injured 1,042 people in 2008.

Laws and Liability Issues

Driving under the influence is a serious crime under California law. California Vehicle Code Section 23152 (a) states: “It is unlawful for any person who is under the influence of any alcoholic beverage or drug, or under the combined influence of any alcoholic beverage and drug, to drive a vehicle.” Also, under California Vehicle Code section 21802 (a), motorists are required to stop at a stop sign.

In such cases, victims and their families would be well-advised to contact an experienced California personal injury lawyer who has financially pursued drunk drivers on behalf of injured clients. A skilled car accident lawyer will also be able to advise the Matthews family about how their car insurance policy applies to an accident involving an uninsured or underinsured driver.

The Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys is not representing any of the parties mentioned in this article at the time the article was posted. Our information source is cited in the article. If you were involved in this incident or a similar incident and have questions as to your rights and options, call us or another reputable law firm. Do not act solely upon the information provided herein. Get a consultation. The best law firms will provide a free consultation. We provide a free, confidential consultation to not at fault persons named in this article. The free consultation offer extends to family members as well.