
Soccer Dad Sues for Post-Game Brawl

With the World Cup currently underway, soccer has been given more attention in the United States than it normally enjoys. While the big stage is set down in South Africa, back in Ohio the soccer scene is making headlines. As reported by the Edmonton Sun, a local dad got into a racially fueled argument following a match and the result was violence and injury.

Dean Smith (the dad in question) was a sideline spectator to the game. However, as the game wound down, the arguments between he and the opposing players become more dangerous. They pursued him after the match and began throwing insults his way. It is reported the players called him “short” and a “white faggot.” Smith stated this his response was as follows: “I told him I was going to rip his f**ing do-rag off his head and shove it up his a** if he didn’t shut up.”

Smith was then swarmed by players and beaten heavily. He claims to have incurred a severe fracture of his jaw, severe fractures to the right side of his face requiring surgical repair, a fractured nose, blurred vision in his right eye, facial nerve damage and a severe concussion as a result of the incident.

It is uncertain at this time as to whether or not Smith will successfully be able to sue for a fight that occurred over a year ago. One of the main protagonists in the brawl, Manpreet Grewal, has already been sentenced to a year in jail. However, Smith is claiming that the full extent of his medical bills has not been known until now.

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This story speaks to the randomness of violence, and how quickly it can break out. In a game that is supposed to be built around sportsmanship and the skill of the players, interaction with fans and family can make a turn for the worst. We often hear about obnoxious parents or interlopers that disrupt games, but rarely do the players take to the fans in response. This is a lesson for all parties involved, and for individuals who happen to have children of their own.

If you are involved in a brawl or scuffle at a sporting match, do not hesitate to contact a quality law firm for a free lawyer consultation. It is important not to wait too long, and to properly aggregate evidence and witnesses. Be sure you are represented by the best.