
Consumer Protection Attorneys Are Heroes

Consumer protection attorneys are somewhat like caped crusaders. They protect the interests of the masses. They are the class action attorneys. They file legal suits on behalf of the many, not just the individual. They do it with very little fanfare. Class action suits are about stopping corporate greed and practices that harm us. Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys supports the Public Justice Foundation and its efforts to preserve the class action lawsuit.

Think what would happen if corporate giants like AT&T, Verizon, BP Oil, Wells Fargo, AIG, and Bank of America were able to avoid class action litigation. Individuals could not challenge these corporate giants on their own. It is only by virtue of the availability of the class action suit and the attorneys that are willing to handle such cases that we can keep a check on large corporate giants whose practices may take advantage of the average person.

A consumer class action is a legal action brought by a class action lawyer of a large number of people with similar legal claims involving common questions of law and fact. They share a common interest and are joined together in a group (the class) to sue a wrongdoer, usually a company or an organization. Their legal claims, which are advocated by the representative class action lawyer, usually involve a consumer product, a fraudulent or misleading business practice, or a deceptive financial practice. Many consumer class actions involve financial issues such as improper billing practices, overcharges, and failure to honor warranties. A product liability class action is a class action brought by a class action lawyer on behalf of a large number of people, ordinarily with claims of negligence pertaining to products, policies, or conditions.

Some examples of common class action issues are:

  • Dangerous consumer products
  • Unauthorized telephone charges
  • Unpaid overtime
  • Unauthorized Web loyalty charges
  • Unauthorized disclosure of credit card information
  • Illegal debt collection practices
  • Predatory lending practices
  • Excessive loan servicing charges
  • Unfair credit reporting
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Product liability

ATT  is fighting hard in court to put an end to the class action suit. In a current case, AT&T stuck fine print language into its standard contract barring its customers, more than 90 million people in the U.S., from joining together to challenge the company if they’ve been cheated.

AT&T is asking the Supreme Court to rule that the Federal Arbitration Act of 1925 preempts state contract laws. These laws make it illegal for big businesses to ban class actions against them in cases where a class action is the only meaningful way consumers can fight injustice.

If AT&T gets what it wants, this giant cell phone company, and every corporation in America that uses contracts, would have a get-out-of-jail-free card for a lot of cases. Customers would only have the option of fighting the corporation giant one-on-one.

We need class action suits, to protect us all and we need the services of the attorneys dedicated to handling those cases.

If you have been wronged in a way that you think a class action matter might be appropriate contact the attorneys at Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys to discuss.

Call a Bisnar Chase Personal Injury Attorneys Los Angeles personal injury lawyer for a free professional evaluation of your case by attorneys who have represented over 6,000 clients since 1978. You will experience awarding winning representation and outstanding personal service by a friendly law firm in a comfortable environment.

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